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Random Acts of Kindness

"Young Lady Celebrates 20th Birthday by doing 20 Random Acts of Kindness"

What would the world be like if we decided to celebrate our birthdays the way this young lady did? If we all decided to go around spreading happiness by making other people happy we could infect the world. Just imagine, a world where everyone puts others before themselves. Where neighbors actually help and appreciate each other. This would unite communities and put an end to the growing sense of loneliness that is plagueing the population.

This is a win-win situation for everyone. Whether you are on the giving end or the receiving end of a random act of kindness, by taking part in this movement you are sure to experience a boost in your morale. This should be more than a movement really. It should become the normal way of life.

Everyone is able to perform a random act of kindness. Whether you give a helping hand, give a gift, share an encouraging word, or simply share a smile with someone, we are all able to take part. So why not make the decision right now to get involved?

I am determined to do my part. From this day forward, I will perform at least one random act of kindness each day. I challenge you to do the same and to challenge others to get involved.

Let's inspire the world together!

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